Rules and Regulations

  1. The amount deposited towards registration and admission for a particular year will not be registration or transferable to any other year. Fresh registration will be required if a student is to be give admission for a subsequent year.
  2. In case, for any reason, a student after taking admission in the college wishes to withdraw, only caution money will refunded. In case of withdraws during mid-session, the fees of the entire quarter will be payable, caution money not claimed up to one year, will automatically lapse.
  3. Student are not allowed to possess any cash and articles like ornaments etc. The college will not be held responsible for any loss of the above, if kept by a student.
  4. Parents can meet the Principal on any working day, in between 9 to 11 A.M. or by prior appointment. It is mandatory for students as well as parents to abide by college rules & regulations, communicated verbally or through the student diary.
  5. The passing marks for each subject is 40% promotion to the next class is on the basis of overall yearly performance.
  6. The parents are required to attend the parent’s teacher meetings on a regular basis and the teacher should be informed about any absenteeism, prior to the meeting. A respectable Code of conduct along with punctuality should be maintained at each meeting.
  7. The college will not be held responsible for any lapses in the bus service. In case of any discrepancies, parents may meet the bus contractor at the college time.
  8. A Minimums attendance of 75% is mandatory. Student should seek written permission for leave prior to the commencement of absence. In case the leave is taken on medical grounds, an authentic medical certificate should be provided.
  9. Leave for half day should be avoided, as far as possible, for security reasons. In emergency however, a written permission must be obtained from the Principal and class teacher and the bus in charge should be informed.

The college routine involves physical/cal/other activities during the course of which a student may be exposed to accidental injuries in spite of all precautions. The college will not be held responsible for any such eventualities. Thus parents will hold the institution indemnified against all claims.

Vidyawati College of Nursing is a learning community comprised of students, faculty, staff, and health care professionals who support each other in providing quality educational programs and pursuing scholarly endeavors.


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