Basic B.Sc. Nursing


Health is a state of well- being that enables a person to lead a psychologically, socially and economically productive life. Health is a right of all people. Individuals, families and communities have a responsibility toward maintaining their health.

Nursing contributes to the health services in a vital and significant way in the health care delivery system. It recognizes national health goals and is committed to participate in the implementation of National Health Policies and aims at identifying health needs of the people, planning and providing quality care in collaboration with other health professionals and community groups.
Scope of nursing encompasses provision, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of care to people across their life span in wide variety of health care setting.

Undergraduate program is broad based education within academic framework specifically directed to the development of critical thinking skills, competencies and standards required for practice of professional nursing and midwifery as envisaged in National Health Policy 2000.

Undergraduate nursing education program at the post basic level prepares its graduates to become exemplary citizen by adhering to code of ethics and professional conduct at all times  in fulfilling personal, social and professional obligations so as to respond to national aspirations.



The aim of undergraduate program is to-

  • Prepare graduates to assume responsibilities as professional, competent nurses and midwives in providing promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services.
  • Prepare nurses who can make independent decisions in nursing situations, protect the rights of and facilitate individuals and groups in pursuit of health and conduct research studies in the areas of nursing practice.


On completion of Two  year Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing program the graduate will be able to-

  1. Apply knowledge from physical, biological and behavioral sciences, medicine including alternative systems and nursing in providing nursing care to individuals, families and communities.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of life style and other factors, which affect health of individuals and groups.
  3. Provide nursing care based on steps of nursing process in collaboration with the individuals and groups.
  4. Demonstrate critical thinking skill in making decisions in all situations in order to provide critical care.
  5. Utilize the latest trends and technology in providing health care.
  6. Provide promotive, preventive and restorative health services in line with the national health policies and programs.

Participate effectively as members of the health team in health care delivery system.


Course of Study

First Year

Subject Theory Hours Practical   Hours
  1.   Nursing Foundation
  1.   Nutrition and Dietetics
30 15
  1.   Biochemistry and Biophysics
  1.   Psychology
60 15
  1.   Maternal Nursing
60 240
  1.   Child Health Nursing
60 240
  1.   Microbiology
60 30
  1.   Medical and Surgical Nursing
90 70
  1.   English
Total 525 810

Second Year

Subject Theory Hours Practical   Hours
  1. Sociology
  1. Community   Health Nursing
60 240
  1. Mental Health Nursing
60 240
  1. Introduction   to Nursing Education
60 75
  1. Introduction   to Nursing Administration
60 180
  1. Introduction   to Nursing Research and Statistics
45 120
Total 345 855

Course of Scheme
First Year

Subject Assessment
Hours Internal External Total
  1.   Nursing Foundation
3 15 35 50
  1.   Nutrition and Dietetics
3 15 35 50
  1.   Biochemistry and Biophysics
3 25 75 100
  1.   Psychology
3 25 75 100
  1.   Maternal Nursing
3 25 75 100
  1.   Child Health Nursing
3 25 75 100
  1.   Microbiology
3 25 75 100
  1.   Medical and Surgical Nursing
3 25 75 100
  1.   English
3 25 75 100

  1.   Medical and Surgical Nursing
50 50 100
  1.   Maternal Nursing
50 50 100
  1.   Child Health Nursing
50 50 100


Second Year

Subject Assessment
Hours Internal External Total
  1. Sociology
3 25 75 100
  1. Community   Health Nursing
3 25 75 100
  1. Mental Health   Nursing
3 25 75 100
  1. Introduction   to Nursing Education
3 25 75 100
  1. Introduction   to Nursing Administration
3 25 75 100
  1. Introduction   to Nursing Research and Statistics
2 50 50
  1.   Community Health Nursing
50 50 100
  1.   Mental Health Nursing
50 50 100
  1.   Research Project
50 50 100

Vidyawati College of Nursing is a learning community comprised of students, faculty, staff, and health care professionals who support each other in providing quality educational programs and pursuing scholarly endeavors.


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