Health is a fundamental human right. Maintenance of optimum level of health entails individual as well as social responsibility. However health can never be adequately protected by health services without active involvement of the community.

Indian Nursing Council (INC) believes that ANM/FHW plays a vital role in the rural health care delivery system. She should be sensitive and accountable to meet the health needs of the community. She should be able to provide accessible, equitable, affordable and quality health care. ANM/FHW can act as a catalyst for promoting inter-Sectoral convergence in promotive and preventive health care

ANM Curriculum intends to prepare skilled and effective female health workers to achieve the goals of National Rural Health Mission which aims at bringing about dramatic improvement in the health system and health status Of the country. ANM/FHW in community health skills to practice health care at a defined level of proficiency in accordance with local conditions and to meet local needs. Further, the programme fits into the general educational pattern as well as nursing education system.


The purpose of the ANM/FHW course is to prepare an ANM to function at community level/village with specific skills to fulfill the health needs of the community. She will be an active link between the community and the health care system.

General objectives:

On completion of the course, the ANM/FHW will be able to:

  • Appreciate the concept of holistic health and understand the influence of socioeconomic and environmental factors on the health status of the community.
  • Identify health problems/ needs and resources in the community and mobilize social support for active participation of the community in health care activities.
  • Provide preventive, promotive, restorative and emergency health care to individuals and community as required.
  • Provide treatment of minor ailments.
  • Provide skilled midwifery services to all mothers in the community and refer neonates and mother at risk to hospitals.
  • Provide skilled care to all neonates in community and refer neonates at risk to the appropriate levels.
  • Render skilled child care services at home, clinic and school.
  • Guide/ Train birth attendants, Anganwadi workers (AWW)s, other community health activists and volunteers.
  • Provide need-based information and counseling related to health of individuals, family and groups.
  • Participate in all the National health and family welfare programmes at community level.
  • Act as team member in the health care delivery system.
  • Coordinate and collaborate with the other health team member and community based organizations, non-govt. organizations (NGO) and village administration.
  • Mange the health centre including equipments and supplies, and maintain the records in the order to provide quality bases people friendly services.
  • Updates Knowledge and skills for professional and personal growth.


First Year

Nursing courses Class room hours Experience
Course title and
Theory Demons-
Total Hospital Community Total
I Community Health Nursing 130 50 180 10 120 130
II. Health Promotion

  • Nutrition
  • Human body and Hygiene
  • Environmental Sanitation
  • Mental Health
120 75 195 20 200 220
III Primary ; health care nursing I -; (prevention of ; diseases & restoration of health)

  • Infection and Immunization
  • Community Health problems
  • Primary Medical Care

·         25

·         30

·         20


·         20

·         55

·         20


·         45

·         85

·         40

120 320 440
IV First Aid ; and Referral
Child health ; nursing
100 80 180 80 120 200
Total hours 500 360 860 230 760 990

Second Year (Six months)

Nursing courses Class ; room hours Experience
S.No. Course title and description Theory Demons-tration Total Hospital Community Total
V Midwifery 200 160 360 320 240 560
VI Health ; centre management 40 35 75 60 60
Total hours 240 195 435 320 300 620

Scheme of Examination
Theory and practical examinations at the end of first year

Paper Course External
Paper ; I
Community ; Health Nursing 75 25 3 hrs.
Paper ; II
Health ; Promotion 75 25 3 hrs.
Paper ; III
Primary ; health care nursing (prevention of disease and restoration of health 75 25 3 hrs.
Practical ; I Community ; Health Nursing and health promotion 100 100
Practice ; II Child ; health nursing 100 100
Total 425 275

Grand total for first year 700 marks
Theory and Practical examinations at the end of the course.

Paper Course External
Paper ; IV
Child ; Health Nursing 75 25 3 hrs.
Paper ; V
Midwifery 75 25 3 hrs.
Paper ; VI
Health ; Centre Management 75 25 3 hrs.
Practical ; I Midwifery 100 100
Practical ; II Primary ; health care nursing centre
100 100 3 hrs.
Total 425 275

Grand total for second year 700 marks

 Eligibility Criteria for Admission to Examination

On completion of practical experience, records to be signed by the tutor and countersigned by the principal.

  1. A candidate must have minimum of 80% attendance (irrespective of the kind of absence) in theory and practical in each subject for appearing for examination.
  2. A candidate must have 100% attendance in each of the practical areas before the award of completion certificate.

Vidyawati College of Nursing is a learning community comprised of students, faculty, staff, and health care professionals who support each other in providing quality educational programs and pursuing scholarly endeavors.


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